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As a Christian homeschool mom, teacher and professional writer, I enjoy working with other families to create writers and lifelong learners. Although my children are grown, I continue to teach knowing that most days I learn as much as I teach!

CBB Online Classes now enrolling for Fall 2013-2014. CBB @ Home lesson plans available for families desiring to teach at home with evaluation and other support. They're also great preparation for CBB high school courses!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

One Single Tip for Improving Your Child's Writing

If you ask my students to a state a rule that they hear me reiterate on a regular basis, many of them will say, "Use strong verbs." I picked up this mantra back when I wrote more than I taught. Noticing that editors always seemed pleased with sentences enticing the readers through active verbs, I learned to incorporate them into my writing and found fewer editors asking for rewrites. Specific, active verbs actually strengthen sentences in a variety of ways.
1.       Solid writing creates word pictures for the reader.  For example, The wind whistles through the trees causing a rain of leaves. Can you see that picture in your head? Now imagine this sentence:  The wind is blowing and the leaves are falling from the trees. Can you see that picture in your head? Sure, but do you hear the whistle? The more specific the verb, the more articulate the word picture.  Another example:  He is driving to the store and his radio is playing loudly.  How about:  He drove to the store with his radio blasting tunes. The second sentence demonstrates action and provides a more articulate word picture.
2.       Stronger verbs generally relate to the senses, allowing most readers to respond more effectively to your writing. Notice that my previous examples weren't just about what the writer saw, but also what he heard. Sentences that stress more than just a visual sense involve the reader and typically, active verbs generate those sensory responses.
3.       Readers enjoy and comprehend active verbs. Active verbs evoke enjoyment for readers because they are more specific and more interesting. This enjoyment typically leads to a greater comprehension of the material presented.

  • Verb replacement – obviously, students can simply replace "be" verbs with active verbs in their writing. However, this often leads to stilted or awkward writing and can frustrate the student. So, other techniques should be taught as well.
  • Succinct, rather than wordy – at times, students utilize too many words and this results in overuse of  "be" verbs. Such sentences appear longer and less interesting to the reader.    Example: The state of Florida has citizens who are active in politics.    Improved Example: Citizens of Florida actively participate in politics. OR Floridians        actively participate in politics.
  • Changing word usage – I find that some of my students develop a solid idea but could improve how they're using the words in their sentences. Example:  You can pet and feed the animals, but make sure you use some hand sanitizer afterwards. Improved ExampleFeel free to pet and feed the animals, but sanitize your hands afterward. Notice how I changed the focus in the beginning of the sentence from the unnecessary "make sure you" to the actual verbs, "pet" and "feed." Also, I took the noun "sanitizer" and changed it to the strong verb "sanitize" which creates a more specific word picture than the previous verb "use."
Should students change all of their "be" verbs into active verbs in a writing assignment? Definitely not, but utilizing strong verbs makes their writing more effective. I tell my students that using "be" verbs in the majority of their sentences illustrates lazy writing. Honestly, for most of us, it's a lot easier to use "be" verbs or less specific verbs. However, if we're going to bother teaching our children to write, why not teach them mastery rather than minimally?

A pleasant man with a British accent just interrupted me as I write this blog at the downtown library in Charleston. He shares many interesting ideas (I often attract total strangers to talk with me…not sure why) as he worked as an electrical engineer for many years. Teaching, as I do, fascinates him and he discusses the idea that so many young people today don't understand the value of articulate communication. He theorizes that they rely on technology but forget that all thinking requires their brain power, not electrical power. I value his insight.

As you teach your children about such things as strengthening their writing, bear in mind that you're charging their battery for learning in general. They may get through life seemingly successful without concern about "be" verbs, but strengthening their written and "thinking" communication skills provides an invaluable learning experience.

God bless you as you teach your children!

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