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As a Christian homeschool mom, teacher and professional writer, I enjoy working with other families to create writers and lifelong learners. Although my children are grown, I continue to teach knowing that most days I learn as much as I teach!

CBB Online Classes now enrolling for Fall 2013-2014. CBB @ Home lesson plans available for families desiring to teach at home with evaluation and other support. They're also great preparation for CBB high school courses!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Planning Ahead!

I am amazed at how many parents are already discussing plans for the next school year. Like seeing Valentine's gifts in the store the week after Christmas, it seems that parents request information about classes earlier and earlier. For that reason, I spent part of the holidays completing revamping my CBB website. Many thanks to my sweet son, JP, who was such a tremendous help. He is like having my own personal Geek Squad. I do understand the need to feel like you are moving forward. 

Often in January, I found myself, as a homeschool mom, realizing that the "long" semester was ahead. The first half of the year is so nicely broken up by holidays, but the second half seems to go on and on!

I also tended to feel a bit of panic at what hadn't already been accomplished. If you feel that way, some tips for handling the upcoming semester might be helpful. 
1. Take a few minutes and evaluate the previous semester. Don't dwell on what wasn't accomplished but focus on what you and your children did together. You can't get the time back, so lamenting it won't help.
2. Set a few reasonable goals for the coming semester. Try not to overdue it. Pushing too hard will probably only result in frustration. Try just finishing up a project you started with your child, evaluate that first draft that has been sitting on your desk over the entire holiday season or finish reading that novel together. Don't give up on what you started the first semester, but finish some things that will give you and your child both a sense of accomplishment.
3. Don't jump over skills and move on. Sometimes we're behind and we just think that we need to be writing well developed paragraphs rather than finishing up those parts of speech. Don't move forward until it's time. Mastery is more important than a checklist. 
4. Go ahead and plan for the upcoming year. Don't forget what you want to accomplish now, but if it gives you peace to know that you're working on future goals, then definitely do it!

Most importantly, enjoy your time with your children. As I watch mine return to work and college, I delight in my memories of having schooled them. While they may not always think it was the perfect experience, I know that we would've missed out on so much if we hadn't homeschooled.

As this new year arrives, God bless your family and your schooling! I am eager to help parents with teaching writing, literature and history, so be sure to contact me if you have any questions. Answering questions in blogs often leads to helping out more people than you realize!

In Christ,

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